Why you, an adult man, should give Ballroom Dance a chance. — Quick Quick Slow Ballroom Dance Studio


Why you, an adult man, should give Ballroom Dance a chance.

Confident man dancing the tango with a woman. Dance lessons with men meeting women and exercising

Confident man dancing the tango with a woman. Dance lessons with men meeting women and exercising

Why you, an adult man, should give Ballroom Dance a chance.

As a male, you might think that a ballroom class is the last place you would like to be. However, I encourage you to rethink this, open yourself up and give ballroom a chance. If that encouragement isn't enough for you, below I have listed three reasons why you should make ballroom a part of your routine.

Reason # 1: Ballroom is a great place to meet people…and maybe even single girls.

It's a known fact that women love to be swept off their feet. Why not try actually physically doing this? Most women love a man that can dance. And, about ninety percent of that ability comes from simply trying. Even if you aren't the best, women love a man that gives it their best shot. Your attempt, no matter how terrible you think you are, will still catch her eye. A ballroom class is generally set up with an instructor or instructors slowly teaching each step. Men and women couple off early in the class and as the steps grow, partners rotate, giving each male dancer a chance to dance with each female dancer. It's quite the way to make a connection. Through the course of an hour, you will have met several new people.

Reason # 2: Dance is incredibly athletic.

Maybe this comes as a surprise to you. But, consider this: dance generally requires you to be on your feet for over an hour, and often times puts your body into seemingly unnatural positioning. Your daily bicep curls may seem to you to be incredibly difficult. However, you may find that keeping your upper body in the proper ballroom frame for the course of a dance class gives you a similar arm work out. Plus, dance is a cardio workout. So, that makes it whole body. And in just an hour, you've managed to work out every part of your body.

Reason # 3: Dance is a workout for your mind, as well as your body.

Dancing requires your brain to work just as hard as your body. Remembering steps and executing them accurately can give you a real mind work out. Consider the athletes who have competed on ABC's "Dancing with the Stars." They often describe the experience of learning to dance as harder than they imagined. That is because dance uses athleticism, musicality, rhythm, poise, and much more. When you combine all things together and still try to look good, you're working your brain really hard.

Dance for a man can be incredibly intimidating. I'm here to encourage you to take the leap, pun intended, and give it a try. The dance world needs more men in it and you would be surprised how popular you could become in you just try it.   If this post still didn't put you at ease, or you have questions or concerns,  Please don't hesitate to contact us!