Social Dancing — Ballroom Dancing Blog — Quick Quick Slow Ballroom Dance Studio


Social Dancing

Break in Your Dance Shoes and Break Up with Online Dating

Break in Your Dance Shoes and Break Up with Online Dating

We spend a lot of time perfecting our online dating profiles. If you'd invested the same amount of time learning to dance with others, you'd have flocks of people wanting to be your dance partner. What's a more valuable investment for you? 

Most ballroom students seek something deeper on the dance floor than learning moves. Many want to make connections with other people. Here are some reminders about why the dance floor provides an easier way to bond with someone as opposed to the internet.   

You’re Reading This Because You Just Gotta Dance!

You’re Reading This Because You Just Gotta Dance!

We know you "gotta dance" because dancing is in your DNA.  It's an essential part of being human.  A baby wiggles to the beat, even the wallflower taps his feet.  Nothing makes us feel better than moving to the music.

Don't Let These Excuses Stop You from Dancing

Don't Let These Excuses Stop You from Dancing

Although there are multiple studies showing the benefits of taking up dancing, the excuses not to dance are infinite. What's holding you back? Take a look at some of these common objections and why you should just two-step around them.

4 Perfect Opportunities to Book Private Group Ballroom Dance Lessons

4 Perfect Opportunities to Book Private Group Ballroom Dance Lessons

If there's a big event coming up in your life, and you want to make the most of it, what better way to celebrate than with private group ballroom dance lessons for the people closest to you?

Social Dancing: A Fun Way to Make Friends

Social Dancing: A Fun Way to Make Friends

There are several periods of time in a person's life when meeting new people is necessary. Maybe you've recently moved to the area and haven't met many people yet, or perhaps your closest friends recently relocated. In the age of technology, when everyone is glued to their phones and most conversations happen over email and text, it can be difficult for someone to take a chance and say hello.  

A Few Fun Flavors of Social Dancing

A Few Fun Flavors of Social Dancing

As humans, we are naturally social creatures. However, in our modern technological society, it can seem as if we are becoming more disconnected from one another. An awesome fun way for people to get away from the desk and meet people is through social dancing. Like every amazing experience, there are a variety of social dances to choose from. Here are just a few

According to Recent Study, Good Female Dancing Is About the Hips

According to Recent Study, Good Female Dancing Is About the Hips

In a study published earlier this year in Scientific Reports, it was determined that the swaying of the hips was a huge factor in determining good female dancing. For the study, 39 women were filmed dancing. The women's images were then turned into avatars, so people would not be distracted by

Social Dancing Lessons Help You Make Friends

Social Dancing Lessons Help You Make Friends

When you were a child or a teen, you might have found it easy to make friends. After all, if you were like many people, you probably made friends at school, at after school activities and more. However, it can be a lot tougher to make friends as an adult

Tired of Online Dating? Try Social Dancing Instead!

Tired of Online Dating? Try Social Dancing Instead!

It's an online world, and today's singles are expected to navigate it in order to find love. But what if you're the old-fashioned type who prefers to meet a partner face to face? Or what if online dating just isn't working for you? Social dance might be the right answer

Five reasons to love social dancing

Five reasons to love social dancing

Social dancing is usually enjoyed by couples, groups or individuals. It's not a set type of dance, and it's practiced, for example, by dancing solo at a dance club or dancing with a partner in a ballroom class. Dancing is good for the mind and the body and the best's fun!

Self-Conscious About Social Dancing? Dance Lessons Can Help!

Self-Conscious About Social Dancing? Dance Lessons Can Help!

Have you always been the wallflower at every dance and event? Have you always wondered how all of your friends had the nerve to get out and dance? Have you always wished that you were one of the ones on the dance floor, having a ball, but you just felt too nervous to get out there?

Social Dance On-Screen: Things Could Have Been Different

If you are a fan of dancing and movies from the mid-1900s, chances are you have heard of Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers. They did not start out as a dancing pair, though.

Lincoln Center's Midsummer Night Swing Revives and Reinvents a Ballroom Dancing Favorite

This past week, tickets officially went on sale for Lincoln Center’s annual Midsummer Night Swing.  Every year, dancers from across the country travel to Manhattan to take part in this dance celebration that includes workshops, performances and, of course, multiple chances to dance the night away.

Dance - No Excuses!

Why is it that most people quit exercising?   For every excuse, we'll give you a reason why dancing is the answer.  

  • First thing: Time.  There's not enough of it.  How is it possible to squeeze another thing into an already over-extended schedule?...

Social Dancing in Marlboro, NJ Pays Homage to Past Art Forms

Even though the exact origins of dance have been lost to time, humanity's celebrations, relationships, hopes, and even fears have been immortalized in this highly kinesthetic art form. Unlike paint, marble, or clay though, dance is one of the few artistic forms that creates its expression from living individuals.

Wedding Dance Lessons - Are You Up To Date?

Your daughter is getting married this spring!!!

You know, as her Father, you will be expected to dance with her and right after her big dance, with her new Husband. Can you stack up?

You may want to get in a few wedding dance lessons, at Quick Quick Slow Ballroom Dance Studio, just to be sure you're as light on your feet as you used to be!

Social Dancing in Marlboro, New Jersey

2014 is bringing us some of the coldest weather to hit this region in almost 20 years. If you're finding it too cold (and slippery) to walk, jog, or ride your bicycle for exercise, The Quick, Quick Slow Ballroom Dance Studio provides social dancing in Marlboro, NJ. Our studio is warm and our spicy blend of Rumba, Salsa and Merengue music will leave you feeling like you are in a tropical paradise instead of a frozen wasteland.

Lessons in Ballroom Dancing - A Great Winter Activity

Welcome to mid-October. The days are getting shorter... Daytime temperatures are getting lower... Nighttime temperatures? Well, I don't even want to go there. Autumn is definitely here, and Winter is nipping at its heels.

The question is; how will New Jerseyans pass the time during those days when they're not enjoying turkey, giving and receiving gifts, or