Ballroom and Latin Dance: Worlds Apart or Interwoven? — Quick Quick Slow Ballroom Dance Studio


Ballroom and Latin Dance: Worlds Apart or Interwoven?

Ballroom and latin dancing may seem very different, but they actually have more in common than you probably realize.

Ballroom and latin dancing may seem very different, but they actually have more in common than you probably realize.

There’s a good chance that when you think of ballroom dancing you’re more likely to think of the Waltz or the Tango than of Salsa and Cha Cha.  However, you may be surprised to learn that ballroom and Latin dancing have more in common than you think.  All dancing starts with the basics of learning to step in time and learning to step with your partner.  From there, you work your way through the various step patterns unique to each dance.  Once you have that down you start to move up the body to engage your knees, hips, arms, and even your head.  It’s in these areas you begin to really see the character of each dance come to life.  For the Waltz, your bodies become like waves, rising and falling with the music, and for the Cha Cha, you become a pair of fireworks, snapping and popping with the fiery beats behind you.  All of this begins with the feet, a strong foundation that leads to freedom and confidence in whatever dance you decide to partake in when the time comes.

Unlike some other forms of dance, ballroom and Latin dance styles are almost always performed with a partner that you are actively in contact with and usually facing.  As such, it is imperative that a leader know how to lead and a follower know how to follow.  The best tool for an effective lead/follow in dancing is found in the dancer’s “frame”, or the posture in which they hold their bodies and arms.  A strong frame in each partner allows for them to move together seamlessly and gracefully, confident that each knows where the other is going.  In the same way that classically learning an instrument ensures a strong technique, learning ballroom style dance helps develop a strong frame and basis for any style you may be interested in exploring.

Whether you’re looking to find a new form of exercise, make new friends, or pick up a new hobby, contact us today and find out how you can start a journey in the world of dance.  Through learning both ballroom styles and Latin styles of dance, you’ll push your boundaries and discover a whole new way, or several, of expressing yourself.