So You Think You Can't Dance? Think Again!

Are you the person lingering at the buffet after everyone else has hit the dance floor? Do you avoid going out dancing with your friends because you're worried you'll make a fool of yourself? Dancing isn't just for those with natural rhythm and coordination. Dancing is for everyone!
Dancing Improves Coordination
One of the most common excuses people make for not dancing is a lack of coordination. Some even joke, "I have two left feet!" Coordination, though, isn't a talent, but a skill that is learned. Even those who don't feel naturally coordinated can increase their coordination by participating in activities that require smooth and efficient movements, like dance! As Emma Norris explains in her article, How To Improve Coordination as an Adult (And Why You Should), "Most dance moves require you to move several parts of your body at the same time and research shows this activates four different parts of the brain that are linked to coordination and motor planning and control." Norris cites dance classes as a great way to improve coordination. Better coordination will help you be a more confident dancer, as well as reduce your risk of injury in everyday life.
Dancing Keeps You Fit
You may not correlate a night of dancing with a workout at the gym but dancing tones muscles, increases flexibility, and burns fat. Physical endurance, cardiovascular conditioning, and improved cognitive function are among the top ten health benefits of ballroom dancing cited by Health Fitness Revolution. The more you dance, the greater the benefits, and the better dancer you will become. As you gain strength and fitness, you will see improvements in your dancing. Like any activity, dancing requires dedication, practice, and the willingness to make mistakes and try again.
Dancing Is Fun
When watching people on the dance floor, what do you most often see? Smiles! Dancing is a form of self-expression that combines social connection with music and movement. Whether you are a seasoned dancer or just starting - whether you dance with old friends or seek to make new friends - one of the greatest benefits of dance is the joy of dancing with others. According to Health Fitness Revolution, "being more social can help improve self-esteem, lower stress levels, increase sense of purpose, and promote a positive outlook on life." Instead of sitting at home watching reruns on TV, grab a partner and hit the dance floor.
At Quick Quick Slow Ballroom Dance Studio, we can help you explore all the benefits of dance. We help singles and couples of all skill levels get more confident on the dance floor. So you think you can't dance? We disagree! Contact us today to find out how dance can lead to a healthier, fitter, happier you!