Leading with Poise

Ballroom dancing can be a lot of fun for both men and women, but as the man, leading the dance can be a little intimidating.
So, you finally caved and joined your significant other for ballroom dance classes at Quick Quick Slow. Your first class was a blast, as were your second and third classes, but despite your newfound understanding of the basics you still don't feel like Fred Astaire. What makes a truly graceful man in the world of ballroom dancing? It’s the take charge attitude of a leader and the ability to work in tandem with his partner. Read on for tips that will transform your average waltz into a show-stopper.
1. Exude Confidence
Be confident. It’s one of the most overlooked necessities when it comes to creating a beautiful piece of choreography. The more comfortable you are, the more it will translate into a well-executed dance. Onlookers are more inclined to disregard mistakes if you don't apologize and groan with each minor misstep. Work on maintaining good posture and an easy smile to help you shine on the dance floor.
2. Trust Your Partner
Communicating and connecting with your partner is key. Yes, as the leader you are in charge of where and when you move, but you cannot swing your partner around a room without a foundation of trust. Handle your partner firmly, giving her support and creating the push and pull tension your instructor will have taught you. Meet your partner’s eyes and let her know what's next.
3. Don't Look at the Floor!
One of the biggest misconceptions for beginners in dance is that looking at your feet will somehow help them do what they’re supposed to. Wrong. This ill-advised maneuver may actually send you sprawling, not to mention it will break the line of posture you are aiming to create. Your steps remain the same and your feet do not need an audience. Trust what you have already learned and if you are worried about stepping on your partner’s toes, try taking smaller steps as you build the confidence to move further around the room.
4. Practice Makes Perfect
This one is pretty self-explanatory, but bears repeating nonetheless. Great dancers are not born, they are made. The more you practice the more confident you will be in taking the lead.
Now get out on that dance floor and show your partner what you’ve got! And don't forget to contact us for all your ballroom dancing needs.