All About Lifts!
Partner lifts are a fun and challenging ballroom dance skill to master, and they're a great way to take your dance skills to the next level.
The world of ballroom dancing is challenging and demanding; not only because of the countless hours of practice required for perfection, but also because of the trust that must develop between successful partners. Whether you are leading or following, pushing or pulling, you know that ballroom dance is not just about the movement of the individual, but the precise and complementary movement of the couple. As you advance beyond the basic box step and through the world of complex footwork you'll eventually find the beauty in the athleticism of lifts.
Lifts are the absolute apex of a dance relationship, the tangible representation of all the work you and your partner have put into creating a trusting relationship on the dance floor. You will note that this article is not directed toward either dancer in particular; be you the lifter or the lifted you have an obligation to your partner to do your part. No single party completes a lift alone. It is a partnership that requires focus and connection. Even the most simple of lifts can go wrong, so it is imperative that you practice safety above all.
With all that said, let's talk about our best tips and tricks for perfecting a good lifting relationship!
1. Start Small
So you want to recreate that famous lift in Dirty Dancing? That's a great goal, but building strength and confidence as a team is a necessity before you go for the big, impressive stuff. Start with small, basic lifts that your instructor feels you are ready for. Pay attention to the technique required and remember that each dancer must do their part to support their own weight.
2. Communicate
One of the most important rules in partnered dancing? Communication. That goes doubly so when practicing lifts. Check in with your partner. Constantly. Whether it is verbal or physical, you and your partner should work to create signals that help you understand the other's needs. Every dance relationship is different; use your practice as an opportunity to strengthen yours.
3. Focus
Don't drop your partner. Don't crush your partner. Don't zone out. Focus is key in creating a seamless lift. You must be aware of yourself, your partner, your surroundings, and the steps.
4. Breathe
Holding your breath can create extra tension in your body, which could lead to injury.
Ready to give it a try? Contact us today!