Dance Studios - You Can't Do THIS on Social Media...
Dance classes, social parties and dancing events, at a dance studio is a great way to improve your social life.
Facebook, Twitter,, Myspace, and the list goes on...
As a culture, we've become addicted to social media. It can be lots of fun if done properly, but there are a lot of worthy activities that can't be done on social media, the least of which is not dance.
Sure, you can post video of yourself dancing, and your friends can play it and dance along, but that just isn't the same. Some might even say it's a bit creepy, but we won't go there.
The fact is, there are benefits from dancing that you just can't get on social media.
Mental acuity - According to an article published on Stanford Dance, dancing increases cognitive acuity at all ages, and helps prevent Alzheimer's disease.
Facebook? Not so much...
Physical Health - It's been common knowledge for a long time that dancing improves cardiovascular health. It also increases muscle tone and burns calories. Athletes have used dance as part of their training regimen for years to sharpen their control, agility, and speed. Former NFL stars Lynn Swann and Donald Driver are evidence of that.
Twitter may exercise finger dexterity, but only 140 characters at a time...
Social Interaction - Dancing is a great way to meet people in a fun, non-threatening way. Taking lessons at a dance studio enable you to meet and interact with people with whom you have something in common - dancing. Between dance classes, social parties and dancing events, enrolling at a dance studio is a great way to improve your social life.
With you still have to physically meet people at some point...
Self-confidence - Most people think of self-confidence as something you need to even venture out onto a dance floor. As a result, a lot of people never experience the benefits of dance. But when people who suffer from a general lack of self-confidence take that step to enroll in dance lessons, their confidence immediately begins to grow. And once they get going, their confidence grows at an accelerated pace. The long term result is increased self-confidence in every aspect of their lives.
You won't get that from Myspace...
Don't get me wrong. I'm not saying you should exclude social media as part of your social interactions. I'm just suggesting that you enhance your overall social experience by adding dance.
If you'd like to open the world of dance in your own life by learning to dance from professional instructors in an elegant dance studio, contact us online or call 732-617-2442.